Home > Artworks > Oscar Vazquez Garcia - Abad

Photo of Oscar Vazquez Garcia - Abad Spain

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Bachelor of Fine Arts from the UCM

Work at BMW Ibérica - Rodriguez-Acosta Foundation - Foundation Valparaiso - Talens Spain.

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Bachelor of Fine Arts from the UCM

Work at BMW Ibérica - Rodriguez-Acosta Foundation - Foundation Valparaiso - Talens Spain.

Solo Exhibitions

2008: Caja de Guadalajara. (Guadalajara).

2006: Galería Alfama. (Madrid)

0pt "> 2004: Gallery Alameda. (Vigo)

And individual competitions.


- First Hall of the seven - Casa de Cantabria (MADRID)

- Nicolás Salmerón Cultural Centre - Expo 25 anniversary of the School of San Anton (MADRID)

- 1 Award painting competition of Alcala de Henares (MADRID)

- 2 nd Prize Alovera painting contest (GUADALAJARA)

- 3 º Award painting competition Meco (Madrid)

- 5 ° Award painting competition Cabanillas del Campo. (GUADALAJARA)

- 4 th Award painting competition Alcorcón (MADRID)

- 7 First Prize in painting competition Atienza (Guadalajara)

- Nicolás Salmerón Cultural Centre - Spring Salon (MADRID)

- Centro Cultural Nicolás Salmerón - animalistic (MADRID)


- Cultural Centre Grand Master (Granada). Exhibition of winners and Marie Antolin XIX edition BMW.

- Format Small Gallery Alfama (MADRID).

- Three Artists - Gallery Artelancia (LEON).

- Centro Cultural de Azququeca de Henares (Guadalajara). Selected in the painting competition XXV.

- Centro Cultural de Alovera (GUADALAJARA). 1 st prize in the painting competition.

- CEPA "Clara Campoamor" Azuqueca de Henares. (GUADALAJARA). Second Prize in painting competition.

- Ateneo de Sevilla. Selected in the painting competition Ateneo 2007.

- Cultural Center Juan Prado de Valdemoro (Madrid). Acquired in X Valdemoro painting contest

- Exhibition Hall "Vista Alegre" (Torrevieja). Selected in the art contest I City of Torrevieja.


- House of Culture of Alora (Malaga). Second prize in painting competition XVIII.

- Exhibition Hall "The Bailiff" (Lora del Rio, Sevilla). Selected in the art contest XVIII Miguel Gonzalez Sandoval.

- Chamber Alovera Exhibition (GUADALAJARA). Second prize in painting competition IX outdoor Alovera.

- Exhibition Hall Penche Angeles (Madird) "Scholars 2006"

- Cultural Centre "Fuentevieja" Nambroca (TOLEDO). Selected in the event Michelangelo painting.

- Exhibition Hall of the art school in Guadalajara. Selected in the painting competition I Artematica.

- Exhibition Hall of the Museum of footwear (ELDA), Cultural Centre (PETRA), Exhibition Hall (SAX), Showroom Cardenal Herrera CEU University (SAN PABLO cleaning services). Selected in Competition XXVII Minicuadros CADÍ hosts of ELDA.

- Fellowship Exhibition 2005 in the exhibition hall of the faculty of the Universidad Complutense de Bellas Artes (Madrid).

- House of Culture of Alora (Malaga). Second prize in painting competition XVII x-small ">.


- Casa de Vacas del Buen Retiro Park (Madrid). Antolin Mario Scholarship to research pictorial painting prize BMW XX.

- Casa de la culture de Loja. Selected in the V Award Maker of painting on paper of Loja (Granada).

- Gallery Khreisler (MADRID). Selected in the sixth edition of the award Valparaiso.

- Exhibition Hall Cultural Centre Infanta Cristina. Selected in the European Painting Contest 2005 Antonio López

- Exhibition "Landscapes of Granada" in the exhibition hall of the Fundación Rodríguez Acosta. (GRANADA)

- The Arab Tower Gabias (Granada). First Prize in painting competition I "Passages of Light."

- Civic Forum Azuqueca de Henares (Guadalajara). First prize in the National Contest XXIII Azuqueca villa.

- Museum City (MADRID). Selected in the painting competition "Amigos de Madrid" "Chamartin Station."

- Delegation of the wife of Leganés (MADRID). Second prize in the sixth event of the delegation of women in Leganes.

- Room cultural realm of Corte Ingles (Barcelona). Second prize in the painting competition Jaurena V art.


- City Museum (Madrid). Selected in the painting competition "Amigos de Madrid" "Plaza de Castilla."

- Gallery Khreisler (MADRID). First Prize for painting at the V Edition of the award Valparaiso.


- Gallery Alameda (VIGO) (July).

- Tea Macaluka (MADRID).

- Sala Baluarte de la Candelaria (Cádiz). Old Fish room (JEREZ DE LA FRONTERA). Museum Gallery Ales Manuel Cruz Herrera de la Línea de la Concepción (Cádiz). Selected in the Painting Competition V of the Confederation of Employers of the province of Cádiz (CEC).

- Exhibition Hall Wellington Foundation (MADRID). Selected in the third prize painting from the Wellington.

x-small "> - City Museum (Madrid). Selected in the prize for painting" Amigos de Madrid "" Barajas airport. "

- Gallery Khreisler (MADRID). Selected in the IV Painting Prize Valparaiso.

- House of Culture Conde San Diego "7982 Generation" (Cabezón de la Sal).

- Exhibition Hall Jesus Otero Museum "Generation 7982" (Santillana del Mar).

- Gallery Mall (VIGO (December).


- Gallery Alfama (MADRID). Accésit, III Valparaiso painting competition.

- Casa de la culture de Parla (Madrid). Selected in the painting competition.

- "El patio" Generation 7982 ", Torrelavega (Santander).

- Casa de la culture de Majadahonda (MADRID). Second Prize in painting competition VII.

- Exhibition Hall of the Palace of Medinaceli in Cogo (GUADALAJARA). Selected in the painting competition.


- At home in Andalusia (Alcalá de Henares)

2000 - 1999

- Exhibition Hall of Caja Madrid (Alcalá de Henares)


- Exhibition Hall of Caja Madrid (Alcalá de Henares)

- At home in Andalusia (Alcalá de Henares)


- Showroom Caja Madrid (Alcalá de Henares)



- Grant for research Antolin Mario painting, XX BMW paint award.

- Painting Scholarship granted by the Fundación Rodríguez Acosta (Granada).


- Grant Aid Talens pictorial Research.

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